Activities of Home Economics Degree Students

The following are the events in the annals of the Home Economics.


  • A multicultural food festival was conducted by the Home Economics student at the University premises under the theme of ‘Unave Marunthu (Food is the medicine)’ in 2019.
  • Home Economics students participated at the Exhibition conducted by Agriculture Department – Jaffna and exhibit the foods prepared by underutilized millets in 2019. The foods were made available to purchase for the public for four days.
  • There was an exhibition conducted by the students in 2014 for three days. School students of the Northern Province were invited. The exhibition was successfully arranged in four different streams Human Development, Food and Nutrition, Textile and Clothing and Home Management.
  • Students have published the journal ‘Manaimaadchi’ in the year of 2014 which carries valuable articles of the staff and the Students of the Home Economics Unit.
  • Home Economics students association ran a food stall for two days at the Trade Exhibition for Women Entrepreneurs 2015 organized by the Business Incubation cell of Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Jaffna.
  • Students put a food stall at the Psychology Exhibition 2016 for two days   and sold delicious, nutritious foods for the participants.
  • Annually the Navarathri festival is celebrated at the Department and students organize cultural competitions and do the pooja by offering flowers and religious foods.
  • Students celebrate Christmas every year and distribute hand make wishing cards to the staff.
  • After the Ramadan feast students bring Muslim cultural foods and enjoy with staff and other students at the department.
  • Annually a multicultural food and clothing festival is organized in department level for religious reconciliation and to improve personality, leadership and organizational skills of the students.
  • Each year students organize a welcome party for the new faces to the department and going down party for those who are going to graduate in the following year. Multicultural programs are organized in such parties.


Multy CUltural food festival